SAF0213CHS – Chemicals, Materials, Electric Vehicles


Estimated time: 0,42 hours

Language: English

Modality: Virtual

Course Summary

Increasing availability and adoption of fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) presents new safety challenges for First Responders (FR).

The Center for Hydrogen Safety (CHS) in collaboration with AIChE has developed a microtraining plan as part of the Hydrogen Safety for First Responders training. This 4-part multimedia course aims to better inform incident responders and support the safe handling and use of hydrogen in a variety of fuel cell applications.

Hydrogen can be transported either as gas or in a liquefied state. This third course of the First Responders Micro Training learning plan looks at both methods of transport and their impact on emergency operations.

The completion of this learning plan qualifies for a certificate of completion with 1.5 Professional Development Hour (PDH) credit.


Fire Responders and law enforcement.

What You’ll Learn

  • Different types of tanks and trailers for compressed hydrogen
  • Guidance for emergency response for gaseous and liquid hydrogen transport
  • When to use water to extinguish a fire impinging on storage tanks


Course objectives
Why First Responders Need to Care about Hydrogen Transport
Microlearning Video
Key Takeaways
Quiz Assessment

Official Certificate from steeluniversity
Receive a digital certificate signed by steeluniversity and worldsteel directors with the institution’s logo to verify your achievement.

Increase job prospects
worldsteel represents over 160 steel producers, national and regional steel industry associations, and steel research institutes. With a certificate from steeluniversity / worldsteel you can improve your CV to work for the steel industry.

Not Enrolled

Course includes

  • 1 Lesson
  • Course certificate
  • Steel Safety